The Message Board Men
The BBC Message Boards.
What a revelation and daily delight they have turned out to be!
This is in no small part to the men 'thereon'. (I'm doing that thing with quote marks that got Six punched!) Forgive me Crispin, I need context!
I wanted to post a blog dedicated to these blokes - they are special to me.
You are all special to me, blokes!!
For the record.
So, I give you the 'real person' reasons as far as I know, behind this high esteem of virtual, male friends.
I've mentioned Six, so let's start there.
A funny, open-minded, searching yet seemingly sure family man. It 's good to read his blog and hear he is the happiest he's ever been. Time to reap some rewards.
Gavin Corder, part-time loon, apparently laid-back soul who has an excellent real name. Full of important personal nuggets, he knows what is worth keeping. It's the little things that matter most.
Span, mi real amigo. So content, friendly, and full of daft humour. He is also prepared to join me in celebration of the olive, which is never a bad thing.
And Lionel. He's a funny, funny man, who has depth and vision beyond what those that he can't be arsed with can see!
I hope it turns out there has been a God all this time, and he continues to bless each and every one of you.
So, to my final, but in no way my least, Message Board Man.
David, Citizen of the World.
A delightful source of sauce, and a man of many topics. Always though, above all, a gentleman.
Many talents too I'll wager!!
(It's the wicked sense of humour that suggests it. Bjork will tell you!)
I hope I'll get to enjoy some more of their lives through the weird little peep-holes that are message boards and blogs.
To all my men - I thang you!
Aaah, thank you lovely. Love you too. You forgot about the Dok though or did the thought scare the bejesus out of you?
Loon? I could go off you!
Thanks for the mench my lovely!
And as Six says we all love the Dok.
Ah the Dok!
He is a law unto himself that lard smothered lad!
He didn't get a mention simply because he has not been a gent or a pal in the same way as you other menfolk.
And yes Gav, you are a part-time loon! Have you read your blog?!?!
thank you all for your contributions, anecdotes and snippets.
It would all be so much shittier without you.
I'll take that as a compliment then!
But less of the loon!
no, Lena, you're right...he's a loon! Bloody great knife..nay dagger...Nay! SWORD to his son!!! WHAT!!!!'s all gone quiet!...;-)
Glad I got a mention...I get strangely upset when I never get a mention on the MB poster threads...when i'm quite obviously a star! is it jealousy?...or the fact that i'm too honest and tell them how it really is...i.e.what they don't want to know!
.........verdadero amigo, real amigo, me amigo de realidad, todo estos ejemplos son aceptable mi querida Lena.
Stop it both of you! Medieval history is very important!
I made a chain mail coif with younger son for his history project. Seemed like a good idea at the time.
You need 2 pairs of piers to open each ring and then hook it onto 4 others, then pliers again to close it. Six and a half thousand steel rings and many, many perntal sleepless nights later - he got a double commendation. His history master even saved the boy's presentation(and demonstration) for when Ofsted were in.
Loon! Ha!
That's parental not perntal.
Could have been paternal... I forget now.
2 pairs of piers!...blimey, that narrows down the places you can do it in Brighton collapsed or burnt so they're out as well...
You see, I need to add to this now, but I hate to re-edit a done deal.
So I'd like to say, I have sof-spots for other chaps on them there boards.
In this list I include Shy Talk - he seems like a good and decent, down to earth man.
Ken Crabshaw - makes me rasp and guffaw sometimes.
And of course, The Dok. No lard based meal can pass these lips without thinking of him.
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