Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Only 363 days until Christmas!

It's basically over.

Boo hoo!

As usual, it all went just a little to fast for me.

Christmas day was spent in the usual way - a leisurely breakfast (just me and Charlie this year) then a bit of present opening. He was chuffed with the Multi-media player, and has been fiddling around with it ever since. I'm happy with it too, as it really is a nice little piece of kit.
There is nothing that pleases me more than making that boy of mine happy, and at almost 17, it's sometimes more of a challenge than I ever thought!
We were lucky enough to have the company of my neighbour and her delightful daughter Shannon, for dinner on Christmas Day, so I opted to leave the booze alone and let the neighbour get a bit trashed instead, which she duly did! She's a really good person and a great mum, who doesn't let her guard down for a moment usually. I told her that her baby girl was in good hands, and she was able to relax and enjoy the day.
Having a little person around made it a really silly, fun day, with real excitement around present opening and lots of little games and giggles. She really is a remarkable little girl, and her sweetness and bright mind helped make a good day, great.

Dinner was a success as far as everyone that ate it was concerned, and as I was cooking my first turkey (usually have goose or duck) I was a bit worried that we'd end up with a dried up sparrow-like thing on the table! It's fair to say though, that my parsnips were something to behold! Even my neighbour, who hates the things, could barely believe what she was eating. They were all caramelised and gorgeous, and if I can have them like that every time, I'll have them 3 times a day!

Boxing Day was a REALLY lazy affair this year. I did absolutely nothing, with G (which was nice) all day long. I didn't even get in the bath until sometime in the evening! But oh how enjoyable it was, just munching our way through the fridge contents, watching some DVD's, smoking a spliff or two, or three, and basically playing the part of holiday-maker, to the full.

Today was spent with my family; son, sister, brothers, mum, neices, nephews, respective partners and an aunt. Very much up my Strasse! I love being with them all. It's just one long round of affectionate ribbing, stories of the past that are re-hashed as if it were religion, a mad scramble for the cold-meat selection and a heated debate to round things nicely! I love it. And there are the 2 really little members of the family, that just make it that bit more special.

A few poor sinners have been ill over the festive period, including my mate, my neice, my ex and my great-nephew, with ills ranging from puking heartily, to tonsilitis and kidney infections.
If I am able to avoid the lergy for the whole time, I will be a thankful bunny.

But in the meantime, I shall have a wee drink tonight.

At last! I can relax now it's all getiing back to normal!

Cheers all x


Blogger flyingfinn said...

Nice to hear that you had a nice Christmas. Mine has gone swimmingly too. The thing I'm enjoying the most is getting along with my brother. As kids, we used to argue all the time, but now we get on like best friends.

Christmas did kind of just appear out of nowhere. It always does. I'm sure the following year will fly by.

Have a great New Year.

Wednesday, December 28, 2005 12:11:00 PM  
Blogger Kayfer Kettle said...

Hello Finn.

Glad you've had a good one.

Me and my sister were exactly the same as you guys Finn; we used to literally tear lumps out of each other as girls, but she is one of the finest people I will ever know, and we laugh together and really enjoy each others company as adults.

Being grown-up really isn't so bad when it comes down to those things.

K x

Wednesday, December 28, 2005 1:13:00 PM  

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