Thursday, December 08, 2005

Are we there yet?

I'm finding myself wishing my time away, far too often.

For 5 days out of seven, I am looking towards being at another day in my life.

I'm not saying that I don't get any value and treasures from these days that pass and get called 'the working week', because I wouldn't want to do nothing all day, but it just feels like such a waste sometimes! Know what I mean?

I interact well, I enjoy being useful and busy, and take pride in being consciencious.

But there are so many other ways that I could happily spend my life doing all of those things, that I find myself wishing my time away, to the hours that will be mine and I can relax.

I have often wondered what I'd do if I didn't have to work (say, if I won the lottery or something) and I like to think I'd volunteer my time.
Having said that, I remember talking to a friend about this once and saying that I think that's what I'd do, and she said 'Bollocks to that mate! I'd pay someone to do my good deeds!'

So I still wonder...........

Working full-time, the hours I get to really chill and catch up with myself are less and less, because there is so much needs doing that I have no time to do in the week;

shopping in one go instead of fresh every day, and battling the crowds of others having to do the same,

the washing that gets neglected in favour of wearing something that's already hanging and ironed,

changing the beds, so you can time it for at least one lay-in in crisp, new sheets,

fitting in a social life, when all you want to do is put on jim-jams and big socks, smoke a joint or have a drink, and eat things you shouldn't.

And those weekends, holidays, or just precious moments doing what you want to do instead of what you have to do, fly by so fast. Is that something to do with Relativity? I think I read that in Bill Bryson's 'Brief History...'

I believe there is a universal truth here. I believe that people do not need to watch clocks, or even know what one is, to feel the pull of freedom when they are being held by chores and duty. They just know they could be doing something much more up their street! It's the ones with clocks though, that probably suffer the condition the worst, because they can see time in a counted sense. Us clock-watchers.

Anyway, Long Live Leisure!

Thank God it's Friday tomorrow!

Oops, there I go again!


Blogger Crispin Heath said...

Go travelling, what's stopping you. And when you've thought of your response, write it down and work out what is really stopping you.

Friday, December 09, 2005 12:36:00 PM  
Blogger flyingfinn said...

lol. I know what what you mean, except this week, because I've got some time off because of overtime I've done. In all this time I've been...err...mmm...spending too much time on the internet. There's not much to do, because everyone else is at work. However, if I had lots of cash, it would be a different story.

Friday, December 09, 2005 2:56:00 PM  
Blogger Linda Mason said...

I find what you have written incredibly sad. I have been in your position, clock watching and effectively wishing my life away so I do empathise.

We can always find a million reasons as to why we don't do something to change the situation and to find something we really want to do instead but when you examine those reasons that usually pretty poor. It's later with hindsight that we find we were kidding ourselves.

I don't have regrets but if I did have my 20's and 30's back again I would be more impulsive. I don't know what your personal situation is but if you don't have hard and fast ties, then do something for yourself, something you really, really want to do. Money worries tend to sort themselves out. If you do have ties then think about how you can work around them without abandoning them.

I'm lucky now. I work for myself and look after my children and care for my husband, who is disabled, but my days are my days to decide what I want to do. Even with my responsibilities I still have a lot of freedom and room for manoeuvre and I can do things that I enjoy when I want to. I never clock watch, life's just too damn short for that!

I hope you find this useful rather than anything else!!!

Friday, December 09, 2005 10:16:00 PM  
Blogger Span Ows said...

...isn't this the new job Lena?...seems a pity after only a short time...maybe you'll be busier over the Christmas period as I've heard you're on the Christmas Day, Boxing Day, News Year's Eve and New Year's Day rota...

Monday, December 12, 2005 6:50:00 PM  
Blogger Kayfer Kettle said...

Hello Six,

I need think no further than my sense of duty....then there's having to wait for my little investment to mature......then there's the issue of not being able to make up my flaky mind about where I want to go!

Fraught with issues!

k x

Monday, December 12, 2005 7:49:00 PM  
Blogger Kayfer Kettle said...

Hi Finn,

I can tell that you are of the 'clock-watcher' persuasion!

And then to feel that you have done nothing with the time you've had free...well there's a shitty double whammy if ever I saw one!!

K x

Monday, December 12, 2005 7:52:00 PM  
Blogger Kayfer Kettle said...

Hello Mags,

Thanks for taking the time to give such a kind and generous response.

i hope I haven't given you the impression that I'm in any way unhappy with my lot, because I'd be lying if I was to say I don't have lots of things that i really enjoy going on in my life.

I'm a gig nut and love to shake my ass sometimes, see friends, eat delicious food, go away for weekends etc. So I'm not complaining.

i've had lots of change in my life this year, and am trying to get into the first phase of an English A level, so it just feels like there is more to life than 9 and half hours out of the house each day!

I guess I'm just a lazy moo at heart!

But really, thanks again for your reply mags. It really is much appreciated, and I'm glad to hear that you have been able to strike a good balance in your own life, despite the very real demands.

K x

Monday, December 12, 2005 8:01:00 PM  
Blogger Kayfer Kettle said...

Howdy Spanish!

Yeah it's the new job mate!

It's just adjustment to it all I think, and maybe Christams has alot to do with it, but I just cannot wait to be at home right now, or with people I really care about.

I'll get over it.

K x

Monday, December 12, 2005 8:03:00 PM  
Blogger Linda Mason said...

Good luck with the English A level. Hard work but worth it.

I didn't start my proper degree course until my late 20's. It was supposed to be part-time, but to do a full degree in four years is not part-time! I worked full time and then did three evenings a week of lectures etc at Birkbeck College which is part of the University of London.

Sometimes I wondered what I did with my time before the degree course because every minute seemed to be full of essay writing or research and having a marvellous time to boot! Birkbeck specialises in 'mature' students and part-time courses and is a truly wonderful place. I met fabulous people and brilliant lecturers, some of whom were world famous and I had the time of my life.

My last exams were sat when I was nine months pregnant and had a broken right wrist but thankfully I got what I wanted.

My only regret on leaving London is that now I do have the time to take it all one step further, Birkbeck is too far away. I could go somewhere local but I have a feeling it just wouldn't be the same.

You're right though, life is too short.

Good luck in arranging your priorities.

Monday, December 12, 2005 11:09:00 PM  
Blogger Kayfer Kettle said...

Cheers Mags!

And well done to you. Determination seems to course through you.

What did you complete your degree in by the way?

I'd like to eventually do speech and language therapy for teenagers that the system missed, but it takes about 5 A's to get on the 4year course I think!

Ah well, it's good goal.

K x

Tuesday, December 13, 2005 7:51:00 PM  
Blogger flyingfinn said...

I'm afraid you've got me down to a tee there, Lena. I can be quite indolent at times, and all that waste often leads to despondency. I often feel like I'm wishing my life away in a day dream; wishing how I would like my life to be, and thinking about regrets and what could have been.

Tuesday, December 13, 2005 9:17:00 PM  
Blogger Linda Mason said...

Kay, I did history and there's a big surprise!

Your aim is truly worthy and so very badly needed. Go for it!!!! I say this because when I was about 6 weeks pregnant with my son, it was discovered that I had non-malignant growths on my larynx. They didn't want to operate whilst I was gestating, so I was sent to a speech therapist to learn how to 'use my voice properly' in order to put less strain on my larynx. Everyone at work thought his was a hoot because I am more verbally obtuse in real life than I am on the boards!

Anyway, whilst popping along to see the loveliest speech therapist you ever did see, we got chatting and she was talking about a course she was on that would enable her to specialise with teenagers! (Spooky how coincidences crop up in life.) Apparently there were real shortages in expertise in the area and it was also grossly underfunded. Going back a bit now but no doubt still relevant :-(

So, go girl go, you are needed out there.

Tuesday, December 13, 2005 10:57:00 PM  
Blogger Kayfer Kettle said...

Blimey Mags! How weird is that?!

I'm all inspired at this moment!

K x

Wednesday, December 14, 2005 6:33:00 PM  

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