Friday, May 04, 2007

Think of the Devil....

I was pottering about this morning getting ready for work, when an old friend came into my mind.

Having moved home in September, and having not seen her since she ripped me off for twenty quid to fund the beginnings of an all consuming, two year fling with Messrs. Crack and Heroin, the thought went through my mind that I might hear from her apart from the fact that she no longer has my number.

Lo and behold! The house phone rings, and I hear familliar tones.

We fell into the old patterns of chat, like there hasn't been any of the neglect and prostitution and thieving in the time she's been in hell.

And I've no doubt in my mind that is precisely where she's been in these two years since the Friday sessions stopped and she stopped choosing life.
We used to dance in her kitchen to Moloko and Macy Gray and Fat Boy Slim, and sing our heads off, until we were nicely breathless and very drunk.

Anyway, that all changed and she has since lived a life unthinkable.

But like I asked her, "What the fuck did you expect?"
There was always an element of playing the movies in her head. It brightened up an otherwise mundane, utterly wasted life. I guess she fancied herself as Uma Thurman.

Anyway, she has been getting treatment, funded by her parents, and as far as she's saying, she's back and back for good.

It makes me happy to hope so at least.

She's been a friend for a very long time, and I have missed her and her children.

I must tell her one day how angry I've been that she left me unable to help her.

I've seen other acquaintances, friends and a past love lost to this shit and I hope I shall continue reporting that she isn't another of them.


Blogger Linda Mason said...

I hope so Kate. You did the right thing in disentangling yourself when things got bad but it's good news and a good sign that she has got in touch. I sincerely hope that she is on the way to recovery both for herself and her children...talking of which, how on earth have they been coping?

Saturday, May 05, 2007 11:00:00 PM  
Blogger Span Ows said...

ditto that Mags.

"Just say no"...sounds so easy! :-/

Tuesday, May 08, 2007 5:48:00 PM  
Blogger Kayfer Kettle said...

Hey Mags,

Hope all is well with your girl after her op.

As for my mate, I can only hope she has seen the reality and the medication works.

Her kids have no doubt faired pretty poorly. The eldest son has made a life for himself that means he is rarely home (he's 16) and the middle son is living with his father.

There are 2 much younger kids, and I just hope they are too young to remember.

As always, thanks for asking.

K xx

Thursday, May 10, 2007 4:57:00 PM  
Blogger Kayfer Kettle said...

Hello Span,

I cannot imagine anything more hideous than this level of addiction.

I saw the adverts. I listened to Zammo.

I can't think what possesses a soul to take this choice, especially at the ripe age of 35, still banging out babies.

A mad, mad world.

Thanks for stopping by Span.

K xx

Thursday, May 10, 2007 5:03:00 PM  
Blogger Crispin Heath said...

Hey Kate,

I thiunhk it takes strength to just stop being involved with someone you love. I hope it does go well.

Friday, May 11, 2007 1:33:00 PM  
Blogger Kayfer Kettle said...

Howdy Six,

Hope you're feeling on top of the game today.

I'd like to thank you for that comment about strength.

I have had some real shitty moments feeling that I left her to the wolves, but I know from past experience that there is nothing you can do for those that dabble in this way.

She, of all people, knows my feelings on the whole subject, and to have been left with no choice but to drop her sorry arse and leave her and hers to it, has been no less than fun.

Cheers for that Six.

K xxx

Friday, May 11, 2007 7:58:00 PM  

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