Thursday, November 24, 2005


I love Friday's.

There is just a vibe about this day of the week that makes the majority of the population feel alive.

On Thursday night, even though you know you still have to get up and deal with another day of the grind, you are in anticipation.

Something just feels right with the world, and the difference to a Sunday night for example, is so remarkable in my own life, that I'm sure I could be set into a Psychologists social group just based on that data alone.

I like Sunday's. I like to get prepared. I like the chill of a Sunday before the preparation. I like the pace of a pleasant Sunday.

But I like the buzz of a Thursday night/ Friday, so much better!

The real beauty of it is, that you don't even need to have any kind of social calendar, or even a life in fact, to feel this vibe!

But you do need a job I reckon. For a sense of closure each week, of achievement and earned rest.
Even if it's being at home sorting that side of life, you need to feel the weekend will be a time for a change of pace and that you've had a role to fill in the working week.

And it all begins with a Friday.

If there was a vote on whether I think shops should be open on a Sunday (ie Tesco and the like) I'd vote No.

By the same token, if there was a vote which asked 'Should friday afternoon be spent in the pub with colleagues and strangers?' I'd vote Yes.


Blogger Kayfer Kettle said...

Oh no Finn, Sundays are great, but I reckon you need friends or lovers to make them the second best day of the week.

K x

Tuesday, December 06, 2005 9:05:00 PM  

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