Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Stings like a Bee-tch!

I have the sorest throat.

It's one of those that sting your nose and makes you feel like you have swallowed a tasty mixture of sand, phlegm, razors, cling film and fire.

For the last week there have also been waves of nausea, snotty, sneezy moments, a head as woolly as Lambsy, and just a general feeling of unwellness.

And now I have a throat that feels like I have a thyroid problem, only yuckier.

Viruses are not my friends.

In the main, we have an understanding; I don't want to fight them, they stay away from me.

It works .

We'll have no trouble here...........

But this is a new Crew. They don't know the rules.

They've never even heard of Cricket, and are making like French students, rioting in my mucus membranes, and the bit that moves when I swallow.

But the weird bit is, I don't feel as ill as I feel????? Does that make sense????

By this, I mean that the way I feel, which is really not good at all, coupled with the pain in my throat, should mean that I am being kept isolated in some manner of oxygen bubble, with relatives weeping at the door and apologising for making me the emotional wreck I am today.

But I'm not actually doen in by this or incapable of going to work. What's that about?

They're definitely not from round here.........


Blogger flyingfinn said...

Brandy and hotwater. Great for a sore throat, or at least that can be your excuse.

Thursday, March 30, 2006 7:04:00 PM  
Blogger Kayfer Kettle said...

Oh thank you Finn!

I was searching for a a medicinal cure that involved some kind of alcohol, and like a vision, there you were!!!!

K x

Thursday, March 30, 2006 7:30:00 PM  

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